Monday 3 November 2014

ParkingEye sue parent of seriously ill child

ParkingEye have commenced action against the parent of a seriously ill child. As if the family do not have enough to worry about, they are being pursued for a substantial amount by the heartless money grabbers at ParkingEye.

In this latest case, the child was diagnosed with a serious illness and was undergoing treatment. However, she can become unwell quickly and require emergency help. On the day in question this happened and she was rushed to hospital on the advice of her doctor. The driver remained with the child throughout as she was distressed and was unaware that the parking rules had been transgressed until a postal notice was sent.

The hospital in question was Queens Hospital, Burton on Trent. This hospital has been previously reported as having misleading and confusing signage, plus a complex parking system designed to maximise income from transgressions.

ParkingEye do not get paid to manage the site and their only income comes from motorists who inadvertently break the rules. To their credit and the delight of their investors, ParkingEye have managed to devise a wonderfully complicated scheme which is very easy to fall foul of and which allows them to trouser huge amounts of cash from vulnerable people. Although the system is unfit for purpose, and directly against government directives, the hospital have so far refused to replace the system with one which is fair to both the hospital and the motorist.

The action was taken by the head of their legal services, Rachel Ledson, There have been a number of complaints to the Solicitor Regulator Association about Ms Ledson regarding her predatory tactics, She has been known to provide false information to the courts and incorrectly redact information in her quest to win at all costs. In addition, she often tries to mislead the court that documents cannot be provided as they are 'commercially sensitive' when they have already been made available elsewhere through Freedom of Information requests.

Happy Parking

The Parking Prankster


  1. Shameful. Is anyone providing assistance to this family?

  2. They have been provided with advice on how to word the defence statement, and will now await the usual irrelevant rubbish that Parking Eye provide in their 'Reply to Defence'.

    In the meantime, one hopes that the incompetent overpaid NHS administrators who brought in this scheme, will see sense and instruct PE to cancel the claim.

    If not, there will be assistance offered to defend the case in the small claims court, where we would expect to find a Judge who will see through PE's bogus money making scheme.

    1. Was the disabled child not issued a blue badge? I thought BB holders were exempt from parking charges at Burton.

  3. How does Rachel sleep at night?

    1. In a red velvet lined coffin with bats circling above.

  4. I'll look forward to their explanation of "Commercial justification" in a Hospital Car Park!

  5. Sounds like exactly the sort of story the tabloids love to feature, especially those who have been on the back of the parking companies already.

  6. _8&^%^&)*)0^%£&%*%*&^%
    I think you know what I mean.
    Pitiless Extortioners

  7. It seems that Parking Lie do not want to reply to the Pranksters comments, so I take it as they accept this as normal practice. It is disgraceful behaviour and I believe that the muppets who brought PE in, rather than look at a barrier system, should be sacked.

    If you are in any doubt over the reason why I believe that PE do not want to defend themselves on here, look how long it took them to tell the prankster he had it wrong in the "Another Profit Warning for PE" thread.

  8. "Let 'em 'ave it" ledson at it again. I hope she/they see sense particularly on this one

  9. Worrying that when the reclaim service gets up to speed, that patients money will be used to compensate the failings of the NHS comnisioners....I do hope they are brought to account.
