Monday 3 November 2014

Challenge The Fine takes off

ChallengeTheFine got a boost over the weekend from publicity in the Daily Mail and on TV.

The website is gathering details from motorists who have paid parking fines on private land over the last six years, prior to launching action to get the money repaid.

If you have paid a parking fine and want your money back, The Prankster strongly encourages you to sign up to the site. This will increase everybody's chance of getting their money back.

Please also spread the word by sharing on social media, telling your friends and family and directing people to the site.

Parking on private land can be managed sensibly, in a fair way to motorists, landowners and car park operators. However, until there is incentive to do this, the irresponsible side of the industry will keep fleecing the motorists until the situation changes.

Happy Parking

The Parking Prankster


  1. I'd jump at the chance of this. BUT....
    Haven't paid any so far.

  2. Have to agree with FT. A lot of people following PP will be wise to the facts.
    I have not seen it promoted elsewhere.
