Friday 8 December 2017

UKPC lose 7 ticket residential case. Judge rules resident can park in safety

UKPC v Ms H. D5HW059T Manchester Civil Justice Centre. 07/12/2017. District Judge Ranson

Guest Report 

I listened in on the above case this afternoon, where UKPC had issued 7 tickets in a six month period last year to a resident of a block of flats. The claim was for just over £1100.00. Six of the tickets were issued for not parking in her allocated bay, and 1 ticket was issued for not parking within a marked bay.

Ms H explained that, due to drug users frequenting the parking area (due to broken security gates) she had not felt safe parking in her allocated bay as the area was littered with needles. Instead, she parked in a well lit communal area within the apartment block grounds, close to her apartment and displayed her permit.

Several complaints were made to the landlord, but these fell on deaf ears.

SCS sent a Ms Hurley to represent  the claimant. She provided  photos of the vehicle on 6 occasions parked in the communal area. She also provided one photo of the vehicle in pitch dark alleging that it was not parked within a marked bay - it was so dark you could not even see any bay markings!

After hearing both sides, the Judge dismissed the claim as the landlord had not addressed the issue with the needles and therefore, as Ms H had complained on several occasions, Ms H was not able to park in her allocated bay and had parked in a safe, well lit, needle free area instead.

Ms H was understandably very upset by the proceedings and was extremely relieved by the outcome. She didn't want costs and just wanted to go home.

Prankster Notes

Sadly some parking companies have no intention of operating a proper residential parking service. Their sole intention is to gouge residents by creating an inappropriate set of rules conducive to issuing as many charges to residents as possible.

It is clear to The Prankster that UKPC, owned by Rupert John Williams, is one of these companies. UKPC have a long history of deceit and malpractice. They have been taken to court by Trading standards twice, and their wardens have been caught manipulating photographs to pretend motorists overstayed.

The Prankster believes that reform is long overdue for this company.

Happy Parking

The Parking Prankster

1 comment:

  1. Reform? No the company should be wound up and removed from the scene.
