Saturday 16 April 2016

Independent Parking Committee change name

On the 30th March 2016 the Independent Parking Committee filed papers with companies house to change their name to United Trade and Industry Limited.

This leaves them stuck with a large number of signs plastered with the initials IPC, so they have come up with a new strapline, The International Parking Community. The International Parking Community is apparently a trading style of United Trade and Industry Ltd.

The company also changed their registered address in December 2015 to 41 Greek Street Stockport, SK3 8AX.

This appears to be an accommodation address hosting a number of companies. The large plaque on the side of the door is for Downham, Mayer, Clarke & Co, a firm of chartered accountants whose web site has been under construction since 2008.

The contact address for the IPC is now a PO Box in Knutsford.

PO Box 431
WA16 1EP

Prankster Note

It is well known that at least at one time Gladstones, the IPC and Parkshield Collection (one of their parking operators) were all based in Red Cow Yard, Cheshire, WA16 6DG

If this is an attempt to hide the fact that the Red Cow Gang are associated, it fails on all accounts. It is well known that Will Hurley and John Davies are directors of both Gladstones and the IPC, and that Gladstones try and capitalise on disputed parking charges by encouraging parking operators to use their services to take claims to court, regardless of the merit of the claim.

The Prankster does welcome the dropping of the word 'Independent' from the name. The IPC were never independent in the sense that they were equally fair to both motorist and operator, as can be shown by the almost indecently hasty erosion of standards as soon as they passed their probationary period with the DVLA.

Almost overnight the appeals service became the now infamous 'kangaroo court', where motorist evidence is almost uniformly discounted and operator evidence almost uniformly believed. Their 'baristas' can be shown to be either biased or incompetent, as this recent gem from an appeal decision shows.
The presumption that the Registered Keeper is the driver, is a presumption based in case law, namely Elliot -v- Loake (1982) which held that in the absence of sufficient evidence to the contrary, the keeper of a vehicle is assumed to be the driver.
This is a complete twisting of the actual judgment, which states:

In my view there was ample evidence which justified the magistrates in this case arriving at the conclusion that this man was driving his blue sports car on the night when it collided with the stationary BMW. Accordingly, in my view, he was properly convicted on all three offences.

In other words, the driver was convicted because there was ample evidence he was the driver, not because of the absence of evidence to the contrary. The Elliot v Loake decision is clearly a finding of fact, and not a presumption in case law. This is also clearly the view of the judiciaary, which can be seen from the number of cases when operators have tried to quote Elliot v Loake in hearings, and been laughed out of court.

In addition, the Elliot v Loake case is concerned with the owner of the vehicle, and not the registered keeper, a fact which the IAS baristas conveniently misquote every time.

The Prankster therefore looks forward to the IPC announcing they will also be dropping the word 'Independent' from their appeals service.

The Prankster is not entirely sure if 'International' is appropriate either. David Carrod has researched the matter** and of the other EU countries, only the UK sells keeper data to parking companies. Private Parking companies just don't exist in mainland Europe.The only other EU member state where they do is the Republic of Ireland, but the Irish Government do not release keeper data to private companies. The IPC model therefore does not look like it is appropriate outside the UK.

Happy Parking

The Parking Prankster

** See this link, 8:15 in


  1. WA16 1EG is the local Post Office sorting office.

  2. WA16 1EG is the local Post Office sorting office.

    1. yes , where post office boxes are kept

  3. It reminds me of one of those dodgy building companies, where they change the registered name and address every few years to avoid the inevitable legal comebacks and angry customers.

    1. even dodgy double glazing companies do not stoop as low as this lot

  4. You say that the baristas are either biased or incompetent but they might be schrödinger's baristas, in which case they are both biased and incompetent at the same time.

    1. in a recent case from the IPC , the supposedly skilled "barrista" used Elliot V Locke , any 1st year student solicitor would know the correct context to use this for "barristas" do they exist or not? (or are they WH staff moonlighting)

  5. There are private parking companies in mainland Europe. Sweden and Denmark are prime examples where you have to pay to park on even remote University Campuses. However, I do not know if the local equivalent of the DVLA release the name and address of the person on the equivalent on the DVLA V5.

