Saturday 11 January 2014

Pictures of the week - UKPC crisp break

The Parking Prankster picture of the week is of this UKPC operative taking a well-earned crisp break at Vastern Court Retail Park in Reading.

In order to maximise revenue for his employer he has generously parked across two bays.

No doubt he will be ticketing himself just as soon as he finished the crisps.

Happy Parking

The Parking Prankster


  1. Picture one appears as though he is blowing an invisible hampton. I hope photoshop pranksters don't get any ideas.

  2. He's a total credit to the company. I would waste no time employing him :-)

  3. given their job funny enough those "parking enforcement officers" don't like it when you're taking pictures of them. i took one from a VCS guy whose car was parked in a "no parking" area directly underneath a sign and he was also blocking a delivery route. funny enough when asking him about it he said "oh i can park whereever i want, i'm the enforcement officer". not sure the sign said "no parking except employees from VCS" though. but who cares about legalities ;)

  4. He was auditioning for a new PG Tips ad.
