Thursday 9 January 2014

A PCN the motorist will be relieved to get

The Parking Prankster tips his hat at the parking warden who left this PCN on the side window of a car he spotted.

Now, at first glance, you might be wondering why the motorist will be more than happy to get this notice.

The reason becomes clear when you peek under the car. Something is not right!

Inside the notice you can just make out the warning; 'problem under front of your car.' Hopefully the driver will spot it and fix the problem before moving off.

This wasn't Geoffrey, by the way - The Prankster does not know the identity of the public spirited warden who did this.

Happy Parking

The Parking Prankster

1 comment:

  1. Excess Charge Notice is a term normally used by Local Authorities only - which probably explains why this is what it is. I can't imagine that PPC employees could give much of a toss about something as irrelevant to their duties (which are getting as many unenforceable penalties dished out as possible) as a car that needs looking at... sad but true ;)
