Thursday 12 December 2013

Call for information - Predatory practices used by ParkingEye

The Parking Prankster is interested in any of the following information regarding ParkingEye predatory practices.

Refusal to allow your appeal for an overstay when you have informed them you or a passenger are elderly, infirm, or long term disabled and therefore need more time for parking than able bodied people.

Refusal to allow your appeal if you broke down

Refusal to allow your appeal if you or a passenger are a breastfeeding mother and had to breastfeed your child

Issuing a parking charge for an overstay within a grace period - this would normally be 5 minutes, but the Prankster is especially interested in overstays of less than a minute.

Issuing a parking charge when you visited a place twice, and they only recorded your first entry and last exit (double dipping)

Issuing a POPLA code which did not work.

Refusal to issue a POPLA code after an appeal

Failure to issue a POPLA code after an appeal

Issuing a Letter Before Action which is not compliant with practice directions. (As a guide, if it did not refer you to the government site on practice directions, it will not be compliant).

Claiming that they sent a letter which you never received

Claiming that they never received a letter or email you sent

Filing new information in a court case after the filing date

Filing new legal arguments or evidence in a court case along with their witness statement from Jonathan Langham. This will typically be legal arguments regarding pre-estimate of loss or why they are not producing a contract and are relying on a witness statement

Any untruths in a witness statement from Jonathan Langham

Any car park signage which creates entrapment zones where motorists enter the car park and park without encountering any readable signs.

Happy Parking

The Parking Prankster

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