Saturday, 17 June 2017

Charles Clowes takes over as IPC COO

Charles Clowes has moved from NCP to take over as COO of the IPC.

His linkedin profile suggests this happened this month.

Here is the press release on this matter:

The International Parking Community (IPC) has confirmed the appointment of Charles Clowes as its new Chief Operating Officer. Clowes joins the Accredited Trade Association from National Car Parks (NCP) where he was Head of Commercial and responsible for the development and implementation of new digital and customer service initiatives.
"This is an influential and significant role and our search for the right person has taken quite some time," says the IPC's Will Hurley. "However, our patience has been worthwhile and we're absolutely delighted to welcome Charles to the team. His first hand experience of designing and delivering new service initiatives in the parking industry and his expertise in digital engagement is absolutely in line with our aspirations for the continued growth of the IPC. His knowledge of collaborative service developments and progressive strategic partnerships will also be invaluable as we look to engage further with all stakeholders and other influential organisations"
"I am really looking forward to using my experience in parking management to create real benefits for the IPC and its members," adds Clowes. "Having recently been at the heart of NCP's Senior Leadership Team with responsibility for shaping governance and conduct, I am a passionate advocate of building close ties with the Government and other external organisations to help drive ever higher levels of professionalism in the industry."
The introduction of a new Chief Operating Officer will see Will Hurley moving to become Chief Executive of the IPC with John Davies stepping aside to resume his former role as Director of Gladstone's Solicitors. The changes aim to provide further clarity and focus for the organisation as it now looks to build on the success of the past 4 years and ensure it remains fully aligned with the evolving priorities of members as well as the expectations of service users.
This looks like part of the continuing attempts by Will Hurley and John Davis to play down the links between the IPC and Gladstones Solicitors, and pretend there is no conflict of interests between the two companies.

The Prankster confidently expects Charles will have little trouble driving "ever higher levels of professionalism". When you start from the bottom, it is hard not to improve.

Happy Parking

The Parking Prankster


  1. "Real benefits of the IPC and its members", indeed screw their customers and motorists as long as the boys club is doing OK.

  2. T'will be interesting to see if his former employers follow him into the clutches of the IPC.

  3. Thought it said "Charles Clowns"

  4. He will have his work cutout. First job will be to write a lawful Code of Conduct and then get the cowboy members in the IPC to stick to them.

    1. "First job will be to write a lawful Code of Conduct" and read it to each member. TFTFY

  5. It can say anything at all, they have no powers to force their members to confirm, DVLA could be given the powers to enforce compliance? Is that to simplistic? It wouldn't be if some ass was kicked, DVLA just want the money!

  6. DVLA don't have powers to enforce. They have a KADOE Contract that each PPC should comply with and occasionally one of them get caught not doing so in a major way, such as UKPC and their falsification of the evidential photo's. That got a time-out for them but enforcement like that isn't enforcement at all really.
    It would require legislation to be brought in to give the DVLA actual powers to enforce the Code of Practice of PPC's but that's unlikely. The DVLA would have to write an overriding Code of Practice. In other words they would need to replace the BPA and the IPC and it just won't happen.

    1. We don't need legislation to give the DVLA power to enforce CoP compliance. We need legislation to force the DVLA to use the power they already have.

      "Reasonable cause" to disclose keeper data is reliant upon the PPC's compliance with the KADOE contract. Breach of the CoP=breach of the KADOE contract = no reasonable cause.

      The DVLA's Suspension Principles document used to set out pretty clearly what sanctions would be applied to different breaches, according to the degree of seriousness. When that document became inconvenient it was apparently scrapped, in 2015. Glaring breaches of the CoPs and KADOE contract have since gone unpunished.

    2. I don't disagree with the gist of that but that all just becomes retrospective action. And as most people never complain to the DVLA about the KADOE Contract breaches they never apply sanctions. Most people don't even know of the KADOE Contract anyway. Probably less than 0.001% of people who have cars would know about it.
      No, what we need is sanctions to be made against the actual BPA and IPC for the non compliance of their members. If a PPC was in breach of their C.O.P then the ATA should be given some sort of sanction. That would make them sit up and do something about the way they just pass the buck every time.

    3. I agree. If the BPA and IPC fail to ensure their members comply with their own CoPs, then removal of their accreditation as ATAs would be a good place for the DVLA to start.
