Wednesday 19 April 2017

UKPC winding up petition

UKPC is the subject of a winding up petition from HMRC.

Given the large dividends trousered by the owner Rupert Williams recently, it would appear he could save the company if desired. However, it may be the intention to phoenix the company to get rid of the debt to HMRC. Only time will tell.

Here is a possible candidate - UK Parking Controls Limited

Happy Parking

The Parking Prankster


  1. Note it is a Petition to Wind Up, not an Order.

    Debt could be paid and they carry on as before.

  2. They trouser all that and don't even bother to pay their bills?

  3. There may be another "debt" they are trying to dump. Check the shareholding.

  4. I can't see ParkingEye getting the MetroCentre when UKPC go. It's men on the ground territory. ANPR wouldn't work here so it'll be foot soldiers who take it on, if anyone does at all. Maybe VCS or Excel.

  5. If HMRC obtain a winding up order then old UKPC would not be able to trade. If new UKPCs buys up the business as a going concern then it would be able to restart the business and continue as before (after a pause in the service). However, it is possible that new UKPCs could try to trade as old UKPC without authority. In this case, all PCNs, signage, contracts, etc. would be invalid. Anyone who has an unpaid PCN from old UKPC should consider waiting for the situation to become clearer.

  6. It has been classed as a dormant company since 2009 and every year since incorporation. Have they ever taken anyone to court successfully?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Yes, I cocked the above one up.

  9. Hi does anyone have the email for the prankster as the one i have, won't work? Thanks

    1. Its in the side panel of this blog in the 'about me' pane.


  11. I had a strange conversation today with a UKPC car park troll at the Metrocentre. He seems to think the Gazette is just newspaper tittle tattle and not to believe anything a paper prints.
    He says the action is "the other way round", and "do I look worried about it?"

    Methinks he's in for a shock after being fed some heavy shite about the situation.

    1. The other way around? I might go to London for that then. It'll be interesting to see UKPC petition for a winding up order on HMRC :D

  12. Continued use of personal details without reasonable cause is a breach of the DPA and can amount to a claim for up to £750.
    6 years to do this as well.

    1. Or perhaps just 1 week with UKPC. Winding up hearing on 22 May 2017.

    2. Of course. However I think Mrs May has something in the pipeline to pass responsibility to directors. Take the recent DPA breach payment for instance. Company wound up but the directors are in line for making good the penalty.
      Sort of removes the reason of becoming a Ltd Co. in my opinion.

  13. Anyone got an update to this.
    I can't find anything in the daily lists for the Chancery so I wonder if they settled before the hearing.

  14. Oh yes it is!
    On the "not before 10.30am" list in the BANKRUPTCY & COMPANIES COURT 1 before REGISTRAR BARBER

  15. And still the UKPC trolls who intimidate elderly and disabled people who forget to display a blue badge at the Metrocentre were wandering around apparently without a care in the world.

    I guess if you only have sufficient nouse to become a parking attendant then you can't expect a degree of concern over their future save for who they ticket next.

  16. Hmm?
    Come across this on MSE posted today.

    Looking back at their last published accounts at Companies House they seem to be in dispute with Revenue & Customs over a VAT claim, which the accountants seem to feel they had a good case to put forward, and had made no provision for in the 2015/16 accounts.

    Hopefully this has come to haunt them two years on, and will no doubt have become a bigger millstone round their ugly necks!

  17. If you Google for HMRC v VCS you'll see that VCS had a situation for non payment of VAT. HMRC accepted that parking charges were baesd on penalty income rather than contract so were exepemt from VAT.
    So why is it that all PPC's seem to state we have made a contractual agreement for acceptance of a parking agreement?

    Seems to me HMRC ought to revisit this situation now and gewt stuck in. Maybe if one of their senior execs were ticketed..........


    0207 947 6731

    case dismissed
