Wednesday 11 January 2017

Excel serial abusers of court process

Excel Parking Services Ltd are serial abusers of the court process. They file deficient particulars of claim and continue to do so despite sanctions imposed by judges.

Simon Renshaw Smith does not like losing. In the Excel v Cutts case where the judge ruled the signage at the Peel Centre was deficient, he described the court ruling as " embarrassment to the judicial system" and he made some pretty rude remarks about the judge too, describing her as "not fit to serve the civil courts".

Simon has a similar unhealthy attitude to not paying his debts, and the Prankster is aware of a number of court judgments which Excel and/or VCS have not paid.

If you have a court judgment which Excel has not paid, please contact The Prankster so a list can be compiled.

Happy Parking

The Parking Prankster


  1. Time to send in the enforcement agent (bailiff)

  2. Remove the signs from their sites; starting at John Lennon Airport!

    1. whats the point , they have no meaning
