Friday 14 October 2016

IPC suspend UKCPS

UKCPS have been suspended by the IPC. No further information as to why the suspension occurred is currently forthcoming.

The suspension began on the 13 October and means that UKCPS will not be able to access keeper data from the DVLA for any parking events which occur from the suspension date until the suspension is lifted.

Update 16/10/2016

The IPC have apparently unsuspended UKCPS, and decided to make them inactive from 13/12/2016 instead.

Happy Parking

The Parking Prankster


  1. FREE PARKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Unless this is a new ipc scheme. Pay us £1k and we will list you as suspended for a while.

  2. I'm assuming that DVLA have been told about the suspension!

    1. what would they care ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    2. My thoughts exactly. For "will not be able", I read "SHOULD not be able".

    3. The IPC would be required to inform the DVLA if they suspend a member - it would be in their MOU.

  3. I hope it hits them financialy HARD!

  4. Hello PP,
    Are you sure about this? The notice says 01/10/2015 and the last time I looked at my calendar it said 2016.
    Obviously, if true I can return to Homebase ( a much improved business since their takeover) at Hathaway Park, Chippenham.

  5. Martin, you are looking at the wrong company

  6. can't have been bad boys, so I guess they forgot to pay the IPC's charges or similar?

  7. maybe they left their membership fees in a letter outside a marked intray

    or the IPC's camera's didn't register them leaving the building last time they visited

  8. UKCPS Ltd
    AOS Membership currently inactive
    with effect from 13/12/2016


  9. Dear Mr xxxx,

    Thank you for your email.

    I can confirm that on the 13th October 2016, DVLA were made aware that UKCPS’ Accredited Operator Scheme membership had been suspended. Therefore they would be unable to access DVLA vehicle keeper data until membership is regained.

    I believe the date held on the IPC website was incorrect. I note this has now been amended to show 13/10/2016

    I hope this information helps to answer your query.

    Kind regards

    David Dunford
    Data Sharing Strategy & Compliance
    Strategy, Policy & Communications Directorate | D16 | DVLA | Swansea | SA99 1DY
    Twitter: @dvlagovuk

    Vehicle tax or SORN can’t be passed on when a vehicle changes hands.
    Find out more at:
    indeed the IPC page has been amended again

  10. This is strange, because I have a letter dated 24th October saying they are "accredited AOS operators". The same letter directs me to the IAS website for formal appeal, but when the PCN details aren't recognised there. Assuming I can disregard this now..

  11. This is strange, because I have a letter dated 24th October saying they are "accredited AOS operators". The same letter directs me to the IAS website for formal appeal, but when the PCN details aren't recognised there. Assuming I can disregard this now..

  12. That's strange, because I got a letter on 24th October saying they were accredited AOS operators. The same letter refers me to the IAS but the PCN details don't work there. So I guess I can disregard this now..

  13. Just looking for some advise, received a screen ticket 21st December and want to know if ukcps can chase me for payment or were they suspended. I have now received notice to keeper letter which shows IOC and boa approved. Do I pay or ignore any letters from them.appreciate your advise

    1. Same here, also I got a notice in the post which means they got my details from DVLC which I am shocked about

  14. Hi, I have just received a notice to keeper for an alleged parking misdemeanour on 8th Jan 2017. UKCPS got my details from DVLC. How is that possible when they have been suspended/inactive whatever? Any advice appreciated.
