Wednesday 3 February 2016

Civil Enforcement Limited discontinue 20 claims

The Prankster previously blogged that Civil Enforcement Limited were filing claims where they were not giving out any details apart from the name of the car park - no date, vehicle registration, reason for claim, initial parking charge, or indeed anything useful which would give the recipient anything to go by to understand what the claim was about.

One common theme was that the sites were all ones where CEL no longer had a contract. It seems as if CEL were getting revenge on landowners for daring to cancel their contract with them.

This moneysavingexpert report details another claim. CEL originally tried to scam the motorist back in 2013/4 by issuing a ticket even though they were displaying a permit. The manager of the hotel assured the motorist the ticket would be cancelled and the motorist heard no more. Perhaps CEL pushed their luck and tried the scam once too often, because the hotel cancelled their contract in Febriuary 2015.

CEL decided to punish the hotel by resurrecting old tickets and filing claims. The motorist contacted the hotel and had difficulty getting through due to the large number of other motorists also phoning to complain.

The motorist found the original letter from the hotel manager informing them the charge would be dropped and therefore filed a counter claim.

Today the motorist has been contacted by the hotel informing them that CEL have dropped their claim, not only against them but also against 20 other similarly affected motorists.

The Prankster has been contact by a number of motorists, all of who had bogus tickets issued at sites where the landowner has now cancelled

The Prankster has also been informed that the BPA has received a number of similar complaints.

Prankster Note

Any landowner thinking of making a contract with Civil Enforcement or Creative Car Parks should think long and hard before putting pen to paper. CEL have already filed claims against hundreds of Co-op employees getting revenge on sites once The Co-op cancelled their contract.. Now this pattern has been repeated at a number of other sites.

Although CEL have dropped their claim against the motorist, the counter claim will still stand.

The motorist has promised to keep moneysavingexpert informed of developments.

If you think parking companies should not file claims without giving reasonable information on what the claim is about, and should not file frivolous claims once their contract has been terminated, consider signing Barry Beavis's petition asking for regulation of the industry.

Happy Parking

The Parking Prankster


  1. and the co-op case has mysteriously disappeared

  2. Perhaps these new claims are because CEL finally ran out of Co-op victims? Since we have heard nothing, we should suspect both parties came to an arrangement. Sadly, this means we will never know what it was.

  3. But I'm sure I've heard it been told by a supreme court judge that this can't happen, unless all these motorists were silly enough to not possess watches

  4. I've just received a PCN final notice (even though I didn't get the first) the only info they gave me was my vehicle details and date of the incident. No address of the incident or time or how I have come to receive this back in April 2019 (having just received this letter today) I'm going to the citizens advice bureau tomorrow to help me sort it out.
