Sunday 6 September 2015

UK Parking Control takes action against rogue wardens

The Sunday Times has today reported that the wardens responsible for doctoring photographs are no longer working for UK Parking Control. The company have also updated their software to close the loophole.

As yet, motorists affected have not yet had their charges cancelled, and the full scale of the problem is not known. However, this has been going on in at least two car parks back as far as June 2015.

The Prankster considers that the wardens would have got away with it for far longer had it not been for the power of the internet, social media and local newspaper and TV.

In no particular order, The Prankster thanks;

moneysavingexpert, for advising motorists affected
The Lincolnite
The Stoke Sentinel
Sheffield Trading Standards
Facebook - Motorists Against Fraudulent Charges -  Tritton Road Retail Park, Lincoln
Action Fraud
BBC Look North
The British Motorist Protection Association, for behind the scenes help
National Motorists Action Group for behind the scenes help
The Sunday Times

...and of course the motorists actually involved for fighting their corner hard and believing in themselves.

If other motorists have also been issued with fake tickets from UK Parking Control they should report the matter to Action Fraud who are currently investigating. The crime reference is NFRC150901164050.

The British Parking Association should also be informed at

Tritton Road Retail Park is owned by LaSalle Investment Management. The contact agent is James Curson.

Happy Parking

The Parking Prankster


  1. "In no particular order, The Prankster thanks:"

    ...... but if there was to be a particular order then the Prankster should be not only on the list himself but right near the top.

    Thank you, Prankster

  2. all photographic evidence issued before 6/9/15 should be treated as being gathered from faulty equipment , and should be challenged at POPla and CC

  3. The only problem was they got caught. In fact the mere dismissal of the said "employees" is insufficient. Since it has had a massive effect on the (cough, cough) integrity of UKPC they should have got the police involved directly.

    Lack of any criminal accusations passed to the police speaks volumes.

    It's also quite clear that the use of self ticketing should be closed as there's no proper control of the ticketers.

    I can't see any way to have the process of photographing by any hand-held device can be controlled. Software problem??? No way, any software can be hacked or circumnavigated.

  4. The only problem was they got caught. In fact the mere dismissal of the said "employees" is insufficient. Since it has had a massive effect on the (cough, cough) integrity of UKPC they should have got the police involved directly.

    Lack of any criminal accusations passed to the police speaks volumes.

    It's also quite clear that the use of self ticketing should be closed as there's no proper control of the ticketers.

    I can't see any way to have the process of photographing by any hand-held device can be controlled. Software problem??? No way, any software can be hacked or circumnavigated.

  5. They really haven't thought this out have they.

    If it is a software fault then the same software will be on ALL devices so all tickets for an overstay should be automatically suspect and dismissed.

    They would be well 9issed off with having to go that far but in the public interest they should be "pursuaded" to.

    As for the ex employees. Well, we know what's been going on but since UKPC are now saying that the software was at fault tnen why the hell can they fire them. They would have no idea of the fault (OK--- I know) so they have dismissed for something they had no part in.

    If I were one of them I'd be off to an Industrial Tribunal like a shot as UKPC have already confirmed they weren't the problem.

    I'd also blow a whistle so loud o the in-house aspects and incentives for such ticketing, that it could be heard in China. But only after an Industrial tribunal

    1. What are you on about?

      I think the suggestion is that a weakness in the software has been exploited by the sacked employees, not that it was a software fault that led to the ticket being issued.

    2. the ability for wardens to exploit the flaw was inherent on there software , they allowed it to continue until 6/9/15 all photographic evidence before this date must be disallowed by POPLa and the CC

  6. New Word Alert:

    Warden+Fraud = Frauden


  7. It is my belief the wardens are incentivized by UKPC to issue tickets, probability a bonus arrangement, book more and earn more, why else would they do it? Greed by wardens and UKPC IMV

    1. An email from Tracey Lockie, area manager, confirms that they get no bonus for issuing 20 tickets, up to £5 per ticket for 50 or more tickets. This means they get more in bonuses than salary. Wardens who do not issue sufficient tickets are performance managed

    2. performance managed


  8. it was shown on a TV programme that wardens received TXT messages the weeks leading upto Xmas telling them to "hit" customers in order to get there xmas bonus

  9. Don't mess with anyone who can stop the solar system for over two hours at a time. If you can read this three times, I apologise, it 's a softWare problem.

  10. Good to hear that it's being investigated as criminal fraud. Since the parking company setting the incentives has lost nothing out of it, the only real deterrent will be personal fines, litter-picking or gaol time for the directors involved.

    1. I'd be in there quick to prevent erasure of any damning emails.
      Where'd you hear about it being investigated?

    2. "Action Fraud" crime number in Mr Prankster's article.

      Local Trading Standards might also be worth a try.

  11. Draft tomorrow night human rights on hardy her I get perfect you're on your way while the three homers more my body's on the scene with my review on response ha-ha nice remind Evermax you her press release easily in my hands are really asking these impurities I will respond more in tune with me your money manager only highly homes I released my party.

    1. This makes about the same amount of sense as the average Monday Musing from the BPA.

  12. Has anyone actually managed to locate the Sunday Times article?

    1. Try here

  13. Which they await with you what you up YouTube will well one partner logo makes a profit imagination the divine the gym all that we'd meet is all good made with double on what we do not Intellux now company him it is related by affinity to the on break a night for Singapore all in a conversation and includes which they are embroiled within us if maybe do not like what is happening to us it.
