Monday, 14 September 2015

UK Parking Control begin refund process

UK Parking Control have begun refunding victims of the timestamp scam.

The first motorist to receive a partial refund was Jade Beeby, who was ticketed for £60 even though she was elesewhere enjoying a birthday breakfast at the time.

Jade is due to be refunded £61.50, as she paid by card and a £1.50 surcharge was added. UK Parking Control confirmed this in the above letter she received.

So far UK Parking Control have refunded the first £51.50

At this point in time there is no indication of when UK Parking Control will have enough cash in hand to allow them to to refund the remaining £10.

Happy Parking

The Parking Prankster


  1. Perhaps the £10 difference is their administration charge for handling the refund! Or maybe it's just part of the scam!

  2. Has someone tampered with the cheque?

  3. Worthy of passing to the ongoing police fraud enquiry team, methinks.

  4. I would like the following to happen:-
    1. That UK Parking Control be ‘fined’ a substantial amount of money by the BPA or membership to the BPA be cancelled.
    2. That the UKPC staff responsible for the fraud be charged and taken to court.
    3. That Lidl ‘sack’ UKPC.
    4. That Lidl pay compensation to their affected customers.
    5. That Lidl make a national public press statement of apology.
    6. That the BPA make a national public press statement of apology for allowing one of their members to commit fraud.
    7. That POPLA now accept that a parking ticket time stamp can be tampered with for fraudulent purposes.

    1. Especially number 6. That was a real rib tickler.

    2. Dreams?, I agree. However, someone out there, with a conscience, may take action after reading this blog but don't hold your breath. Perhaps the media will take on the challenge.

    3. The BPA have responded and are investigating.

    4. the style of Inspector Clouseau.

    5. The DVLA has now suspended UKPC from their list of approved operators. The DVLA are to launch their own investigation. It could now be a free-for-all at over 2000 car parks managed by UKPC. Report from the Sunday Times/Driving 27th Sep 2015.

    6. The DVLA has now suspended UKPC from their list of approved operators. The DVLA are to launch their own investigation. It could now be a free-for-all at over 2000 car parks managed by UKPC. Report from the Sunday Times/Driving 27th Sep 2015

    7. What a shameful decision the BPA made for failing to expel UKPC from BPA membership.

  5. The DVLA will surely be having second thoughts, having eased the original ANPR only requirement to now include handheld camera photographs as a legitimate equivalent/alternative.

  6. Have they deducted the commission paid to their scammer on the ground?
