Friday 4 September 2015

UK Parking Control admit to problem

BBC Look North has run a feature on the UK Parking Control scandal. 

The programme is available on iplayer - about 7:20 in.

In a written statement, UK Parking Control stated:

UKPC has been made aware of this incident and it has been fully investigated. This behaviour is completely contrary to UKPC's operating procedures and employees who do not adhere to our high professional standards or codes of conduct are subject to disciplinary proceedings up to and including dismissal. 
We have put steps in place to mitigate the risk of this reoccurring
As yet UK PC have not issued any statement detailing how many wardens were in on the scam, how they will determine the number of motorists affected, or whether they will reimburse motorists.

Happy Parking

The Parking Prankster


  1. Would be interesting to see there "Codes of Conduct," and "Operating Procedures."

  2. Admission of fraud.

    Over to you Mr Troy.

  3. almost sounds like published documents

  4. Compare and contrast this statement by UKPC sent to a motorist just a few days ago:-
    "“It is not our intention to cause undue worry and frustration when enforcing our client’s terms and conditions of parking. We have investigated your appeal based on the information you submitted and confirm that this parking charge was correctly issued for the following reason.
    “Vehicles are not permitted to park for over two hours in this car park.
    “Please note that all our photographs are time-stamped which cannot be changed by the wardens."

  5. Someone should send that link to one or more of the Lords involved in the Beavis Appeal.

    1. The dvla should also be asked what checks they will make in the future when UKPC ask for RK details.

    2. "Every private communication to a judge, for the purposes of influencing his decision upon a matter publicly before him, always is, and ought to be, reprobated; it is a course calculated, if tolerated, to divert the course of justice, and is considered, and ought more frequently than it is, to be treated as, what it really is, a high contempt of court"

      Good luck with that, we'll come and visit you when you get locked up.

    3. Crikey David. Easier to just say it isn't on the cards for legal reasons. Saves pixel ink.
      Don't fancy a vacation so won't anyway.
      However, surely if they live in the real world they must see reports on newscasts and in papers.

    4. I'm not sure that many of the Lords listen to the parking prankster's blog...

  6. Uh, I think what they MEANT to say was that having been shown convincing evidence of fraud by false representation by their operative(s) that they've handed everything over to the local police.

  7. Just like News Corp. - Grassing up the lowly employees to the police while protecting the hides of those higher up the food chain.

    1. And of course, if it is company wide, any scapegoats are welcome to name names of anyone higher up the food chain who was condoning the practice and put their side of the story to

    2. I'm betting there will be internal emails

    3. I agree, but they'll be in the deleted folder by now.

  8. This story is featured in the "Driving" section of today's Sunday Times with a contribution from Parking Prankster:-

    "The BPA is investigating this fraud, but after being confronted by the Sunday Times, UKPC admitted that the scam had taken place. It said it had sacked the staff responsible."

    "The company's software has been reviewed and updated to close the loophole."
