Friday 6 February 2015

Clock is ticking on CEL and DEAL

This post on legalbeagles discloses that the court is ready to strike out a claim filed by DEAL

"Upon reading the file, it is ordered that;
The statement of case of the claimant is struck out as it fails to disclose any facts to establish a cause of action and fails to comply with PD16.7.3.
Unless the claimant files:a) amended particulars, and b) an amended claim form which contains the name of the firm at which Mr Shwarts practises by 4pm on 12th Feb 2015, the claim will be struck out."

As Mr Shwarts does not exist, DEAL will find it particularly difficult to comply with requirement b.

The Prankster expects the claim to be struck out on the 12 February.

Happy Parking

The Parking Prankster


  1. Sort of:

  2. failed to supply , according to legal beagles ,
