Saturday, 10 January 2015

Are Smart Parking the next ParkingEye?

The Prankster's Smart Parking mole has informed him that they have poached Ben Johnson from ParkingEye, and he is now Smart Parking's new Managing Director. Ben is rumoured to be ruthless, and his first action was to made a large number of redundancies, sweeping out unnecessary senior operations managers to streamline the operation. It appears the company will now concentrate primarily on ANPR only operations and remove manpower from sites.

He is said to have bought over a number of other ParkingEye employees, including all his technical and operational staff.

The Prankster wonders whether Smart Parking will also be following the ParkingEye litigation model. Previously they have not been known to take court action. With 6 years worth of old parking charges to play with, this could be a much needed source of revenue if they ever lose the Asda contract, which is estimated to be worth 70% of their turnover.

If Asda do decide to terminate the contract, The Prankster advises them to make sure their employees are safe from tickets, given Civil Enforcement Limited's recent actions.

If any other Smart Parking current or former employees would like to get in touch with the Prankster to confirm this information, his email address is

Happy Parking

The Parking Prankster


  1. I just love ANPR.
    An Asda carrier bag fits nicely over the rear number plate.........

    On a more serious note, where's the actual parking management in this sort of operation. Where's the "attendant" monitoring disabled bays and the mother and child spaces.
    What we have with an ANPR only system is convenient way to scoop the pools with as little effort as possible and no particular benefit to the landowner.

  2. Bit late now surely ? Beavis is too close. Guess it depends on the % of folders but nobody gets to court before the result of Beavis.

  3. Wonder if he is on a bonus if he can flog off SP to Crapita for a few million, if he is then expect the claims to start.
