Thursday 27 November 2014

Rosanna Breaks joins ParkingEye legal team

Rosanna Breaks has joined ParkingEye's legal team. According to information given to the Prankster, Ms Breaks previously acted for ParkingEye several times under the banner of LPC Law.

As is customary for people ashamed of working for ParkingEye, (in the Prankster's opinion) she appears to have disappeared from social media.

The Prankster hopes Ms Breaks will be happy working at ParkingEye, even though (in the Prankster's opinion) it is a career-limiting move. The legal team at ParkingEye are regularly expected to lie to the court and deceive judges. They are expected to provide partial information in such a way as to paint a false picture. Normally a solicitor's first duty is to the court, and the second to their client. However, this is the reverse of what is expected for the ParkingEye legal team.

In the past, the Prankster has caught out ParkingEye:

  • Providing incorrectly redacted documents to court
  • Lying about the average costs attributable to parking charges
  • Photocopying POPLA witness statements without the knowledge of witnesses, and denying to the witness that their statement was later used in court
  • Writing to judges with incorrect and defamatory material about the Prankster
  • Mentioning a case without informing the judge it had been appealed and was scheduled to appear in the court of appeal
If Rosanna Breaks truly has represented ParkingEye in court, then she will already know all this and will be walking into the job with her eyes fully open.

If not, she may already be in shock. A reputable person, with her eyes on a future career in law, (in the Prankster's opinion) may well decide the best option is to turn her back on the job and walk out with her head held high.

Happy Parking

The Parking Prankster


  1. She may well just be available to walk into M Shwarz's shoes when he goes to jail

  2. The pay's good though. £50 per claim issued, about £4.5Million a year. I'd certainly do it for that money.

  3. I wish her well, let's hope she frequently revisit's the attitudes, values and belief's that drove her to her career in the first place.
