Sunday 11 May 2014

ParkingEye model example of Patrick Troy's 'considerate' parking company. Take 89 year old veteran to court

[Update 17/05/2014. ParkingEye have now apologised and cancelled this charge, following pressure from this blog and others

In an interview with the BBC Patrick Troy is on record as saying parking companies are considerate.
"BPA chief executive Patrick Troy says private car parking companies are considerate."
Just how considerate can be judged by the actions of the British Parking Association Limited's biggest parking company, ParkingEye. No doubt they are the jewel in the crown of the BPA Ltd, and their behaviour is a model for all other parking companies to follow.

In this report on MoneySavingExpert, an 89 year old veteran of the 6th Airbourne division with a heart condition attended a cardiology walk in session. His condition was so serious he was whisked from reception by a passing doctor straight to a hospital bed where he was kept for a month. The parking system required blue badge visitors to notify reception. This may or may not have happened in the confusion, but it is certain the receptionist either failed to enter his registration number or chase up the possibility that he should have registered but did not.

ParkingEye issued letters which he never received due to his stay in hospital. Following that, they issued court proceedings. They refused mediation. Now, after apparently realising they should never have issued the charge, they refuse to cancel the claim unless the motorist hands over £50 from his pension.

This person did not work throughout his life so people like ParkingEye could grow fat from his pension. The Prankster wonders how ParkingEye's employees can sleep at night for refusing to cancel this charge.

Happy Parking

The Parking Prankster


  1. Luckily most of this scum are going to lose their jobs over the 12 months as Crapita works out they are scum and their job can be done by a monkey in a shed overseas.

  2. I believe this type of action illustrates the fact that they are money grabbing scumbags

  3. A disgraceful company that deserves all the brown stuff hitting the fan, they are beneath contempt scum! This should be forwarded to the newspapers and possibly Watchdog or more appropriately Panorama to investigate their whole despicable money grabbing scam. Liquidation would be the least we are aiming for.

    1. In the event of liquidation chorley towers would make a lovely tourist attraction.

  4. "The Prankster wonders how ParkingEye's employees can sleep at night."

    I believe they sleep during the hours of daylight, probably in a red velvet lined coffin.

  5. Tish, they're only obeying orders.

  6. I believe that PE may be desperate to achieve what they told Capita would be their profits and turnover in the year ending 31st Aug. 2014. i.e 8 million and 25million respectively. Given they made 1 million on a turnover of 14 million 31st Aug 2013 PE are hopelessly behind schedule IMHO. Given that Capita paid £59 millionfor PE presumably based on this forecast, PE could be pulling out all the stops to retrieve what I believe is a dire situation. I could, of course, be completely wrong - members of this BB must judge for themselves.

    1. If it is so then the second stage payment from Crapita for the PE business is in doubt and will not be paid. All those from Chorley who ran out to splurge on fast cars and loose women will have a financial hangover coming.

      Given that comments elsewhere suggest that now only 1 in 3 tickets are actually paid then the reductions in margins and associated costs from appeals following challenges at the 1st stage; or POPLA appeals that are won following advice from the various parking forums; the ever growing number of court cases where they are shown to be incapable of winning on many counts of signage; loss or contract; falsification of documents leading to their losses in court mean they are doomed.

      What do you expect if you employ an in house solicitor with a 2.1 in legal related studies from a provincial university? Get those SRA compalints in becauise the once fragrant Rachel is either just at or just past the tipping point where she has to go to the SRA to account for her actions for being misleading and useless.

      Keep attacking; any challenge be it 1st stage; be it POPLA or be it at court (win or lose) costs them money and embarrasment sooner or later all their friends (BPA Ltd, DVLA, landowners; management companies will drop hands and they will be seem for the liars and crooks that they are.


    2. I read that the second payment was due in February, in which case the fast women and loose cars (or was it the other way round?) will already have been bought and paid for.Perhaps Capita have a claw-back clause, but more likely, from reading about other purchases, it will be their own fault for failing to do proper due diligence.

    3. Pranky, as you are so close to PE and their legal team could you let them know that my company is for sale and I will accept £50m from them?

    4. And (as just reported) Rachel seems to have made a complete mess of yet another court case. This time in St Albans. She's not very good , is she?I image Parking Prankster will be reporting on this very shortly

  7. To PE He will sadly be a number only. I bet they also get to hear every sob story under the sun. Where they can be sensible though is at the point that it's proved they are dealing with a war vet, with genuine, mitigating circumstances,

    I'd say that this is one for the national media, dragging PE's name throught the mud with it. The picture of a war vet, especially given how close we are to the D-Day celebrations with the facts as presented, holding a threat from PE would be gobbled up by every national rag and TV news channel.

  8. I can just see Question Time in Parliament bring this up. Embarrassment for the donkeys who brought in the PoFA on promises from the BPA of a fair system.

    1. It's a court case from the Gods. Media would lap it up.

  9. Of course this would be something that the charity Disabled Motoring UK should take up. Except that they receive money from various PPC's, are BPA members and once described people who post on parking forums as "parking terrorists".

  10. This is shocking but not surprising. Similar to Met Parking refusing to cancel a charge when my 80 year old father overstayed in McDonalds by 16 minutes because he was about to lapse into a diabetic coma and was unfit to drive. Met Parking was given this information, and I also wrote to Miss Jill McDonald, the CEO of McDonalds and both parties were totally unsympathetic and said the charge stood. Fortunately I quoted the genuine pre-estimate of loss get-out-clause and POPLA cancelled the charge, but even POPLA were seemingly unsympathetic to the driver's medical condition.

    1. Private parking companies don't do mitigation. I guess, to be fair, they probably have heard every excuse under the sun. However, common sense if such cases should be taken into account if clearly evidenced. PoPLA also clearly state on their web site that they don't consider mitigation either. I'd say your case is one that I would have taken to the media, who would have lapped it up, like this one.

  11. I forwarded Parking Prankster's blog about this case to both the BPA Ltd and Parking Eye. So far a defening silence from PE, but I did receive this today from the BPA Ltd: :-

    "Many thanks for your note below

    I have been asked to look at this matter for you.

    Parking Eye were not aware of the background to this case until a response was forthcoming to the issued Court papers. Parking Eye have confirmed that the charge had already undergone a further review in light of the more recent correspondence and were in the process of cancelling this with the County Court prior to this complaint. Having considered everything Parking Eye have cancelled the charge and will be taking no further action. A letter confirming this will be sent to the motorist shortly.

    Kind regards

    Steve Clark
    Head of Operational Services
    British Parking Association"

    Not knowing the full ins and outs of this case , the cynic in me says it wasn't the "new information" PE received, but the flood of bad publicity PE were getting.
