Friday 22 November 2013

Prankster boobs again

In yet another example of sloppy research, the Prankster has messed up again.

In a post yesterday, he insinuated that Rachel Ogden did not know the name of her own boss. Of course, this is not true. She signs witness statements on her behalf regularly and is therefore more than conversant with her boss's name.

The simple truth is that Belinda Ball got married to Mr. Barlow earlier this year.

The Prankster send his congratulations to Belinda and Mr Barlow.

The Prankster's errors do not stop there. He cannot even read Rachel Ogden's signature correctly. Her real name is Rachel Organ. In an ironic twist of fate, The Prankster therefore got the name wrong of the person he was accusing of getting names wrong.

The Prankster sincerely apologises to Rachel Organ. Flowers are on the way and should arrive today.

Happy Parking

The chastened Parking Prankster


  1. If only Parking Eye would similary correct themselves when they continually get costs and profit confused with losses...

  2. Humble pie, fair enough but the signature which is pp'd is a joke.
