Tuesday 19 November 2013

ParkingEye witness statement debacle continues - who owns Fistral Beach car park?

The Prankster would like to reiterate his appeal to send in ParkingEye landowner witness statements or letters of authority. Please use the usual email address prankster@parking-prankster.com.

From the statements received so far it appears that the ParkingEye have raised incompetence to industrial levels. Their witness statements simply cannot be trusted.

Here are two witness statements The Prankster has received for the car park at Fistral Beach in Newquay.

July 2013

October 2013

The Prankster is left wondering if Fistral Beach Ltd is the landowner and owner of the site, or if Britanic Industries Ltd is the landholder (and the landholder) of the site.

Does Jon Briant have any idea who owns the site? Does ParkingEye?

Did the site change hands between July and October? Did ParkingEye send out invalid witness statements, and if so did they contact the recipient to advise them of the mistake?

Why does Lloyd Spencer, senior valuer for Cornwall Council think the freehold of the car park is held by Cornwall Council?

Do ParkingEye have a contract with Fistral Beach Ltd or Britanic Industries Ltd?

Does Jon Briant have any idea what the difference between a landholder, landowner and owner is? Does ParkingEye? Does anyone?

No doubt Capita will be more than pleased to sort all this out.

Happy Parking

The Parking Prankster


  1. I'm not sure Capita have realised that at least one of the reasons that these parking companies get away with it is that they have no shame, and so don't care about being found out as liars in court, and are, in any case, difficult to sue because of their inherent shiftiness.
    Once they own the business, I suspect they will care a lot more about the embarrassment, especially if a paper or two can be persuaded to cover the story.

    On the down side, I think that Capita will want to knock the court thing on the head with a few test cases in the crown court, and hope they can carry the day by having lots of expensive lawyers. If they could get a precedent, that would make things more difficult for us.

    Of course, they might always try for a precedent, and loose. Ooops....

    As an aside, if you think Parking Eye are economical with the truth, Try Googleing for 'Prenda Law' or click here: http://arstechnica.com/series/whos-behind-prenda-law/

  2. The landowner of Fistral Beach is the local council. It was leased to Britanic Industries Ltd on a 125 year lease. The grand sounding Britanic Industries Ltd is a small property development company owned by the Briant family. The lease is supposed to be reviewed every five years.

    The Briants also own other companies including Fistral Beach Ltd

  3. There should be keen check on the parking companies as they mostly over charge. Keep yourself aware of the rates and stop falling a victim at the wrong hands with Valet car parking Manchester

  4. I received a ticket from Parking Eye for parking in the Fistral car park, ignored it for about eight months but then got worried when they threatened me with a CCJ. I then paid the fine within the time they gave me. Six months later I performed a credit check on my credit file to see that I had received a CCJ without even knowing. I have emailed parking eye to try and get the charge settled and they point blank refused.

    What would you recommend doing next?
